The El Sereno Community Land Trust is a democratically run organization.

Unlike most nonprofits and government agencies, our community members and stakeholders themselves guide our work.

We are currently guided by a council of staff, board members, community members, and tenant members.

We are in the process of building a broader assembly to take the lead on questions of strategy.

We believe all tenants should have a say in how their housing is run.

All residents of ESCLT have the right to vote on matters that affect them.

Members of tenants’ rights organizations who align with the mission and vision of the ESCLT are also part of the ESCLT membership.



Board membership

The board membership is structured to make sure the community and residents always have a say in governing matters. One third of the board is nominated by tenants, and another third is nominated by general members. The final third of membership is open to public members of the community we feel can help the El Sereno CLT.


General Membership

General membership is more open to the community at large and has certain guidelines. With few exceptions, you need to be a resident of El Sereno or the surrounding area, be an adult, and most importantly, agree with our mission and vision as an organization.

General members have the right to vote on matters affecting the community and participate in committees to help with the work of the El Sereno CLT.

If you wish to become a member, please review our mission and vision, and contact us for more information.


Become a member

The El Sereno Community Land Trust is a membership organization dedicated to preventing displacement and making housing affordable for future generations. 

  • Become a part of an ecosystem striving to build and restore the ecological and social fabric of these lands

  • Encounter and organize with great allies and members from our own community

  • Become a decision maker in the work of the El Sereno CLT

Membership requirements

  • Board and general members meet every first Thursday of the month at 7pm

  • Members pay a modest fee of $10 per year


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